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Russian military tests heavy drones capable of carrying commandos (VIDEO)

The Perun transport aircraft can lift an armed soldier and can be used as a weapons platform for high-risk environments

A Russian heavy transport drone is being tested by the military. The large quadcopter aircraft can lift up to 200kg of payload and is touted as an affordable frontline logistics solution.

Called ‘Perun’ after the Slavic god of thunder, the drone was showcased by the Defense Ministry on Monday, which released footage of the vehicle in action.

The video shows two distinct versions of the aircraft, one of them featuring coaxial rotors that generate enough lifting power to fly an armed person on a wire. According to the ministry, it uses domestically-developed software. The video shows a maneuver in which it countered the swinging motion of a passenger before he was lowered to the ground.

There is also footage of a different model of the drone with what appears to be a shoulder-launched Fagot anti-tank missile mounted on top. The weapon was fired both from the ground and air in the short clip, which has circulated on social media since at least January.

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