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Russia’s world-leading nukes, Western ‘vampire ball,’ complaints from Trump: Key takeaways from Putin’s big interview

The Russian leader has held an in-depth sit-down with domestic media, days ahead of the country’s presidential election

By RT International

Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken at length about Moscow’s confrontation with the West, in an interview with journalist Dmitry Kiselyov, the head of Rossiya Segodnya, released just days before the country’s presidential election.

Here are the key takeaways from Putin’s in-depth discussion.

Western ‘vampire ball’ is ending

Non-Western nations are striving for sovereignty and are watching with interest as Russia confronts the US and its allies, Putin stated.

Western elites have been “tearing to pieces [the] poor peoples of Africa” and have exploited Latin America and Asia for 500 years, he claimed, adding that the West remains desperate to protect its unfair advantage.

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