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Satanic Ritual Abuse Is Real (100+ Testimonials)

by Concrete Conspiracy

This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.

This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy. 

Satanic ritual abuse happens everywhere! It is systematic! Recently I’ve been reporting on the case in Utah however, people always ask me if I know about satanic ritual abuse happening where they live. This article is to put into perspective just how rampant this horrific practice is throughout society.

Today I will be sharing the experiences of those who were victims of this satanic ritual abuse. I’ve come across many testimonials of survivors wanting to share their stories. I’ve also had people come to me and tell me anonymously what they’ve had to go through. I always feel a sense of love and compassion for these individuals. I don’t know what they are exactly going through but I know it’s really hard! I hope and pray daily that victims worldwide will be not only saved from this hell but healed of it as well. I share this only to make you aware of what is happening in secret all across the world today. I also pray that this will help survivors feel a sense of hope that they are not alone and that several others go through the same exact things…

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