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Satan’s War on Women

 by Kelly Luttinen


The political left has been shouting of late about a “War on Women.”

Well, there definitely is such a war, but not in the way they are claiming. It’s a spiritual war against God’s plan for humanity, focused on women’s ability to give life, and it’s been raging since the beginning of time.

If you follow current events, you know that battle is heating up. I don’t know about you, but I’m greatly disturbed by the trends I see in our world’s “Culture of Death.” Following is a small sampling of the news, and links to the articles and videos. (For some reason, much of it seems to be coming from New York…not sure why.)

Number of babies aborted in New York City in one year would fill Super Bowl stadium

Andrew Cuomo: Pro-Life People “Have No Place in the State of New York”

Abortion Activist: “I Want to Rip the Uterus Out of Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Eat It”

Police probe whether dead baby found in bag of Victoria’s Secret ‘shoplifter’ was murdered

Pa. woman gives birth in sports bar, suffocates newborn and hides body in toilet tank: police

Violent mob of topless pro-abort feminists attacks praying men defending cathedral

I’m convinced that the veracity and pervasiveness of this news has a diabolical cause. An obscure article from an online radio site in the Philippines describes the crux of the issue well. It’s entitled “Exorcist Talks about Satan’s ‘Special Hatred’ for Women.” Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi, a Rome-based theologian and exorcist who has assisted the former chief exorcist of Rome, makes an interesting statement. “I am quite familiar with Satan’s hatred toward Mary and therefore, toward women in general on account of Mary.”

Satan hates women because he hates our Blessed Mother. Her “Yes” foiled all his plans.

More on this later…

Fr. Joseph said that the devil is particularly active today in the Women’s Rights movement in the fight for contraception and abortion on demand. He also points out that Satan likes to focus his attack on women who are “young” and “pleasing in appearance.” To prove this point, I only have to mention the questionable antics of popular singing artists like Beyonce at last year’s Super Bowl and recently Katy Perry. (Did you see this year’s Grammy’s?)

And though Father Joseph doesn’t say this directly, I see Satan’s attack on the very young in our Culture of Death’s subtle corruption of fairy tales. You may have noticed of late how Disney and other Hollywood producers are changing themes in such stories to become more politically correct with the women’s movement. You know what I’m talking about — how princesses no longer need princes to save them, and sometimes they even save the prince. Or maybe there isn’t even a prince around at all.

On the surface, nothing seems wrong. Maybe on some level, it’s even good. But the trend touches on a distortion of a much deeper truth — why God made us male and female in the first place. There is a great deal to understanding this sublime mystery, but to make very dense theology short and sweet, in Ephesians 5, St. Paul discusses how the marriage of man and woman is like that of Christ and His Church. In the analogy, men image Christ, and women image the Church. Christians who know their faith are well aware that Christ saves the Church, and not vice versa…


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