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Save Our Children From Medical Experimentation Act

By Paul Engel

  • Most Americans believe that governments will protect their children. But what happens when a government bureaucracy wants to perform medical experiments on your children?
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have added an experimental treatment for COVID-19 to their schedule for routine childhood vaccinations.
  • What can you and your states do to protect your children from medical experimentation?

In the latest example of government bureaucrats attempting to take over our lives, the CDC has added an experimental treatment to their “Vaccine for Kids” program. This program provides eligible children free vaccines. What makes this decision truly awful is the vote by the CDC to add these treatments to their children’s vaccine schedule. Many schools and other children’s programs require children to receive the vaccines on the CDC’s schedule in order to attend. All of this is under the guise of a medical emergency that does not exist…

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