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Scandal And Chaos: Romanian Elections Plagued By Corruption And Violence

By Diana Livesay


The recent elections in Romania saw the highest number of violent incidents and acts of corruption in the past two decades. Police opened 65 criminal cases for bribery. SWAT and helicopters intervened in several towns. Candidates were involved in physical altercations at some polling stations. A police officer was bitten, and a 45-year-old man died inside a voting station. In two towns, voter turnout exceeded 130%.

The first 11 criminal cases were opened in the early hours of the elections, and by 4 PM, the number had risen to 65, involving acts of corruption and violence at polling stations across the country. On the day before the elections, over 665 electoral incidents were reported nationwide within 24 hours following the end of the election campaign. A day before the elections, more than 100 criminal cases were opened, and 90 fines were issued.

Several individuals were caught handing out envelopes of money as electoral bribes in several towns. In Scorțeni, Prahova County, the National Liberal Partyā€™s local councilor Ionuț Chirindel was caught red-handed offering money to voters. He stated that the electoral bribe came from Iulian Dumitrescu, president of the Prahova County Council. Dumitrescu, known as a local baron, is under judicial control for a 3.2-million-euro bribe investigation.

In Ştefăneştii de Jos, SWAT police carried out a raid. They intercepted a car from which an individual was distributing envelopes with money, each containing the equivalent of a minimum wage. The total amount found in the car exceeded 26,000 lei.

The Most Violent Elections in Two Decades

In a town in Dolj County, a police officer was bitten on the hand. He had intervened after a crowd formed at the entrance to a polling station. A man became unruly, and his partner bit the officer, who then used pepper spray.

Candidates engaged in physical altercations in several towns across the country. In DĆ¢mbovița County, electoral factions clashed over a parking spot. Police intervened in the town of Mănești, where multiple individuals, including two mayoral candidates, were involved in a brawl. During the intervention to calm the situation, the police used pepper spray…


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