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Science (with Government!) Marches On

By Lee Duigon


You have to respect Science for its uncanny ability to discover what it wants to discover. Oh, sure, there are incentives—zillion-dollar grants, enrollment in the ruling elite—maybe even a TV series on PBS. Find out who’s important, who’s writing the checks—and discover what they want you to discover. As easy as falling out of a canoe.

For long, lean years Science tried to discover “the gay gene.” Gee, how would that help any organism to reproduce? Shut up! Today’s politics is tomorrow’s science.

Well, they haven’t yet come through with the highly sought-after Gay Gene, but a few years ago they came up with the next best thing—the ancient grave of a man buried as a woman (so there!). Obviously it could only mean one thing: that once upon a long time ago, the whole human race was fantastically tolerant of every imaginable form of sexual expression. If that’s not what this find says to you, you’re off the team.

So that’s settled, and we can move on to some of today’s burning scientific issues…


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