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‘Scientific Dictatorship’: Critics Warn UN Climate Plans Would Usher In ‘Insane’ Totalitarian Form Of Global Governance


(Dubai, UAE) — Top leaders at the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are seeking the power to prescribe “climate” policy at the international level and then potentially even oversee its implementation and enforcement. Critics, however, warned that the demands were not just unscientific, but would undermine self-governance while ushering in an “insane” totalitarian technocratic form of government.

Speaking to the U.K. Guardian, one of the largest newspapers in the British Isles and perhaps the most alarmist on “climate” issues, almost half a dozen IPCC officials suggested that these UN “scientists” needed vast new powers. The supposed goal: Save humanity from itself and carbon dioxide (CO2), known to scientists as the “gas of life” despite being demonized as “pollution” by man-made global-warming theorists.

“At some point we need to say that if you want to achieve this aim set by policymakers then certain policies need to be implemented,” explained UN IPCC Vice Chairman Sonia Seneviratne, who has served as coordinating lead author of the UN “climate science” body for over a decade. “As climate change becomes worse and worse, it is becoming more difficult to be policy relevant without being prescriptive.”

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