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Scientists Create First Synthetic Embryo, Allow It to Develop a Functioning Brain and Organs

by Elizabeth Stauffer

The frightening future implications of new report from researchers at theĀ Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel caused a stir among observers of the international science community.

Using neither sperm nor egg, researchers created the worldā€™s first synthetic mouse embryo and watched it grow for over eight days inside of a specially designed bioreactor that served as a womb, according toĀ Live ScienceĀ Magazine.

The article describes what occurs inside the artificial womb. ā€œWithin the device, embryos float in small beakers of nutrient-filled solution, and the beakers are all locked into a spinning cylinder that keeps them in constant motion. This movement simulates how blood and nutrients flow to the placenta. The device also replicates the atmospheric pressure of a mouse uterus.ā€…

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