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Scott Ritter: For NATO and Ukraine, Reality Bites

By Scott Ritter


There’s an iconic scene in the 1990’s cult classic movie, Reality Bites, where Leilaina, played by Winona Ryder, delivers the valedictory address. “What are we going to do now?” she asks, before following up with an even more pertinent question: “How can we repair all the damage we inherited?”
She then answers her questions with a plaintive, “I don’t know.”
In watching NATO and Ukrainian officials struggle to comprehend the reality of the situation they find themselves in, with the long-awaited and much-anticipated counteroffensive floundering against Russian defenses that have proved to be impenetrable, Leilaina’s words came immediately to mind.
Ukraine has dispatched the last of its strategic reserves, led by the elite 82nd Airlanding Brigade, into the battle for the Zaporozhye village of Rabotino. Here, in fields made fallow by conditions of war, Ukraine’s best fighting forces have been eviscerated by Russian defenders who have refused to yield. Based upon the experience of the lead elements of the 82nd Brigade, this fate awaits them as well…


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