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VIDEO: Seattle Antifa Builds ‘Snow Wall’ To Keep Police, Emergency Vehicles From Leaving East Precinct


A group of Seattle Antifa members, who organize on the chat messaging system Discord, build a “snow wall” that successfully kept emergency vehicles from responding last night. They claimed it was simply a “snowball fight” on public property, and refused to leave when police asked them to.

In one video, a group of shrill female voices mocks the police, telling them that Antifa is aware they cannot arrest individuals without committing “violent offenses.” As the police leave, Antifa members proceed to throw a snowball at a police vehicle.

Another clip reveals the Antifa members built a “snow wall” that appears to be between 3′ and 4′ high. A police cruiser, potentially leaving the precinct building to respond to an emergency somewhere in the City of Seattle, gets stuck on the wall, prompting cheers and jeers from the Antifa members.

Once the vehicle became stuck in the snow, the Antifa member began pelting it with snowballs.

Screen shots reveal that the Antifa cell organized their actions on Discord, which has become notorious for banning individuals for “hate speech”, including the apolitical Wall Street Bets server.

“Antifa snowball fight?” wrote one user. “I’m thinking east precinct is the spot”.

Another added, “Theoretically down. Lil scared to drive in the snow and idk if I’m winter clothes ready, but f*ck it.”

The person who seemingly organized the activity on Discord wrote, “psst 6pm, pass it around Bloc,” referring to the leaderless “black bloc” organizational structure Antifa members use to avoid being arrested by police.

At one point the police left the building to ask the Antifa members to immediately stop attempting to trap and attack emergency vehicles with snow.

“I am giving you orders, do you understand?” One officer commanded, “You cannot block police from exiting, via police vehicle, a precinct.”

Members of Antifa mocked the police officers, asking if they do not own a snowplow.

In another video, an Antifa member appears to hold a snowball against a police officer’s chest as she argues with him. The police eventually left the area, and allowed it to become blocked by Antifa members.

It is unclear if these are the same Antifa members who burned American flags and rioted throughout the city as Joe Biden was inaugurated on January 20.

During that January 20 riot, Antifa members attacked an historic Seattle courthouse that was named for a Japanese-American who was detained by the U.S. Government and placed into a camp during World War II.


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