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Sens. Vance, Lee, and Johnson Join Elon and Vivek to Slam ‘Endless Funding’ for Ukraine


Sens. J.D. Vance (R-OH), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) joined Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk in an X Space on Monday for more than one hour to slam efforts to rush through tens of millions of dollars in additional funding for Ukraine’s stalemate war against Russia.

The discussion occurred before a crucial expected Monday night procedural vote on the foreign aid package. Sixty senators are needed for that vote on cloture to end debate on the bill, clearing the way for a likely Wednesday vote on final passage.

The trio of senators urged listeners to contact their House members to demand opposition to the package, which has suffered from increased unpopularity as its details are exposed.

“The assumption, as of a day ago, was the thing would certainly pass,” said Vance:

I still think that it’s likely to pass, but I think what we’ve done is two things today. We’ve sort of commandeered the floor of the Senate using various procedural mechanisms to try to delay the thing as much as possible. I think it’s given time for the news media and others to sort of surface some of the important problems with the legislation. And also, I think, sort of gin up our House colleagues to prepare to stop this thing.

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