The comprehensive video collection here encompasses virtually everything about 9/11, the lead-up to it, the aftermath, but most of all the voices and images of those who survived and those who didn’t, those who risked their lives (both human and canine) to help, and the evil sub-humans who did this in the name of their so-called religion – Islam.
As always, in honor of the victims, families, and first responders, this post will remain at the top of the site all day.
Many of you have asked why I created a website called Bare Naked Islam. I was working in Manhattan, close to the World Trade Center when the planes hit the Twin Towers. I watched in sheer horror as the towers crumbled to earth, knowing that a dear friend of mine was in the North Tower. He never made it out. God bless the souls of all who were murdered by Muslims on that day, especially the first responders.