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Serpent Vs Snake: When To Use Each One? What To Consider

By Shawn Manaher


Serpent vs. snake, which term do you use to describe the limbless and legless creature that caused man and woman to sin against God according to Genesis? The debate about the difference between these two words has existed for a long time. Let us clear it out now!

A serpent is a reptile of the Ophidia order or a giant snake. The word also refers to a treacherous person or a musical instrument. A snake is a reptile without legs and has an elongated, slim body and a fork-looking tongue. A snake is also a tool for unclogging the plumbing system/pulling a cable.

People often use the words “serpent” and “snake” synonymously when referring to a legless and limbless vertebrate with a scaly, thin, and long body. However, do these words have the same meaning? If not, what is their difference? Find out all that in this post.

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Definitions Of Serpent And Snake

In Zoology, a serpent is a giant snake. Therefore, it is the alternate word for a snake. For example, in a sentence, “I almost fainted when I saw the serpent on the ground.”

In Christianity, a serpent is a creature described in the Bible’s book of Genesis that tempted Eve to sin. Christians refer to a snake as a creature representation of Satan or the devil. Here is an example of this word in the book of Genesis, “Satan, in the form of a serpent assumed to tempt Eve.”

In Music, a serpent refers to an obsolete wind instrument in the brass family with a shape resembling a snake, made with wood and covered with feathers. Let’s look at a sentence example: “I never knew that the serpent was a musical instrument.”

The figurative definition of a serpent is “a subtle, treacherous, evil, malicious, or sly person.” For example, in a sentence, “Jane is a serpent; you should not trust anything she says.”

Another definition is a firework that writhes while burning. Therefore, it produces a serpentine motion when it burns. In a sentence, “The party goers light up the serpent fireworks as soon as the clock strikes midnight.”

Definition Of Snake

The primary definition of a snake is “a carnivore, limbless, legless, reptile from the Serpentes suborder. The animal’s skin features overlapping scales, and sources claim that snakes are a product of lizard evolution. In a sentence, “The snake scared the kids off the playing field.”

A snake is also a long, flexible metal wire or coil used to unclog or clean drains in plumbing (auger). For example, “The plumber used a snake to dislodge the obstructions in the curved pipes.”

Another definition is “a length of resilient steel wire used to thread through an electrical conduit for pulling wires.” It is a tool for cable pulling. In a sentence, “Another name for a snake is a wire puller.”

In mathematics, a snake is “a series of Bezier Curves.” For example, “The snake of Bezier Curves made no sense to the mathematician.”

The figurative definition of a snake is “a treacherous, evil, sly, or dangerous person.” In a sentence, “Jane behaves like a snake in the grass with her peers.”

As a verb, to snake means “to glide or move like a snake.” Here is an example in a sentence, “The pain in my abdomen caused me to snake on the floor…


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