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“Shadow Men” Implicated


Former President Donald Trump escaped death by an inch or less at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, the evening of Sunday, July 13, 2024. Trump was winged in the right upper ear by gunfire from the roof of a nearby building. The shooter was shot and killed by Secret Service snipers but not before Trump and two bystanders were wounded and another killed.

Trump, with blood on his face, was whisked away by his Secret Service detail after raising his fist and shouting defiance. He is due to receive the Republican Party nomination for president at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this week. Trump’s wound appeared to be superficial, and his campaign affirmed that he will attend.

The mainstream media spoke tentatively about the seriousness of the incident and did not label the incident an assassination attempt until it was designated as such by the FBI. The Secret Service issued a perfunctory acknowledgement of what took place while saying nothing about how a shooter armed with a rifle got so close to the event stage. Two eye-witnesses appeared on camera stating they had alerted nearby police about the shooter’s presence.

Conservative commentators quickly pointed to the vituperative speech that has been directed against Trump in recent weeks by his Democratic Party opponents, including President Joe Biden’s call to place Trump in a “bulls-eye.” As time passes, ever more emphasis is bound to be placed on the interminable efforts by Democrats to get rid of Trump, including the two impeachment attempts while he held office and the massive “lawfare” assault of recent months. So far, Trump has been hit with a questionable conviction for so-called felonies in New York City, though the cases against him there and elsewhere look increasingly shaky due to recent Supreme Court rulings affirming limited immunity for actions taken while in office.

But the larger issue remains that the assault against Trump began long ago, even before he took office in January 2017 after defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.

We are all now familiar with the fake “Russiagate” narrative Clinton’s campaign cooked up during the election campaign, but the ultimate responsibility for that particular pack of lies has never been sufficiently disclosed.

In my book Our Country, Then and Now, released by Clarity Press in October 23, I call attention to a remarkable article published by Indian journalist/scholar Madhav Nalapat. On January 22, 2017, Nalapat published an article in the Sunday Guardian-India entitled, “Shadow Men Work to Remove President Trump.”

Among Nalapat’s disclosures was the existence of a 1,000-day plan for Trump’s removal. Note that Nalapat wrote only two days after Trump’s 2017 inauguration. He states that the plan centered on Trump’s removal via impeachment on what would be essentially bogus charges. Amazingly, Trump was actually impeached by the House of Representatives 1,057 days into his term of office, almost precisely on schedule!

Following is the entire section on the Shadow Men from my book Our Country, Then and Now. Read it and draw your own conclusions about who are the people acting behind the scenes in what is now an eight-year conspiracy to get rid of Trump, evidently culminating in yesterday’s gunfire in Pennsylvania.

From “Our Country, Then and Now” (Clarity Press 2023).

Shadow Men

What we shall call the “Shadow Men” are those who sit atop the Deep State pulling strings on behalf of the ultimate heavies—the financial controllers and those who rule them….

On January 22, 2017, a curious article appeared in the Sunday Guardian-India entitled, “Shadow Men Work to Remove President Trump.” The author was a highly-placed Indian academic and journalist, Madhav Nalapat.

Nalapat states that his sources were knowledgeable individuals “based in Chicago, Washington, New York, and London.” Nalapat writes, only two days after Trump’s inauguration:

If the plans activated since November 8, 2016 [election day], by the Shadow Men succeed, the 45th President of the United States will not last in office beyond a thousand days from his swearing-in on January 20, 2017. The term Shadow Men refers to officials and policymakers operating in a stealthily coordinated manner to ensure the furtherance of specific agendas unrelated to the public interest….They represent the hitherto ubiquitous and dominant Wall Street-Atlanticist alliance that has devised and implemented policy in Washington for several decades. These Shadow Men form an informal club of intelligence operatives, businesspersons, officials, and politicians whose relevance to policymaking and whose monetary wealth depend on the continuation of policies helpful to the interests they support, even though these may be harmful to the country they belong to.

Of course, the existence of a cabal like the “informal club” described by Nalapat has long been suspected by observers of the American scene. A certain amount of flesh was put on the bones of suspicion by Professor Carroll Quigley in The Anglo-American Establishment. Nalapat continues:

Individuals with direct knowledge of the “1,000-day plan”…warn that January 20, 2017, marked not just Donald J. Trump’s first day in office as the 45th US President, but the acceleration of an ongoing campaign that has been designed to ensure that President Trump “does not continue in the world’s most powerful job for more than a thousand days.”

Nalapat describes the planned mechanism for getting rid of Trump:

According to individuals revealing details of the 1,000-day ouster plan, “the preferred route is a steady increase in public pressure, which would lead to the 45th President’s impeachment by the US Congress on the basis of presumed misdemeanors. These would be played up by media persons, who regularly get briefed by officials active in the shadow network….


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