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Shock Claim: Russian Spetznas Liberate Child Trafficking Victims in Ukraine

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It seems an implausible tale.

Valiant Spetznas searching for an alleged bioweapons laboratory in central Ukraine accidently stumble upon a child trafficking den, a dimly lit bunker holding 100 young boys and girls whose eyes dilate when the soldiers’ flashlights illuminate the decrepit chamber. Some are emaciated, while others, mostly little girls, appear in better health, as if their jailors pick and choose who to feed and who to let starve to the bone. They are children of eclectic nationalities—Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Swiss, French, and, yes, American—and many have a wrist or ankle shackled to the floor or a wall. Many children tremble at the sight of a dozen Spetsnaz sweeping assault rifles from side to side, undoubtedly uncertain of the soldiers’ intentions.

“Who here speaks Russian?” a soldier calls out.

Hands go up.

“We bring you no harm. Who did this to you? Where are they?” the soldier asks…

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