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SHOCKER: World’s Most Vaccinated Nation is Forced to Implement Lockdown Policies as COVID-19 Cases Spike

By Big League Politics

The country of Seychelles, which has the highest rate of COVID-19 vaccinations of any country in the world, is implementing lockdown policies due to a recent spike in cases.

Seychelles has shuttered schools and cancelled sporting events for at least two weeks due to the surge in cases. This has happened even though 60 percent of the country has received two COVID-19 vaccine shots.

“Despite of all the exceptional efforts we are making, the Covid-19 situation in our country is critical right now with many daily cases reported last week,” Peggy Vidot, the health minister of Seychelles, said at a press conference Tuesday.

As of April, 59 percent of the vaccines administered in the country were manufactured by Sinopharm. The rest of the jabs were Covishield, an Indian version of the AstraZeneca Plc’s COVID-19 vaccine shot.

Big League Politics has reported about the experimental COVID-19 vaccines being rushed through the testing process so Big Pharma could capitalize on media-generated mass hysteria and make unforeseen profits:

President Donald Trump has launched “Operation Warp Speed” to funnel resources toward Big Pharma for the purposes of creating a vaccine shot that will be ready for mass distribution throughout the country by the end of the year.

The White House is calling this a Manhattan Project-style project that aims to get vaccines into as many people as quickly as possible, in a move that must have technocratic oligarch Bill Gates grinning ear-to-ear.

“Operation Warp Speed is clearly another extension of President Trump’s bold leadership and unwillingness to accept ‘business as usual’ approaches to addressing the COVID-19 crisis,” said Michael Caputo, who works as assistant secretary for public affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services.

The project is expected to cost the U.S. taxpayer billions of dollars, with much of that money going into the coffers of Big Pharma, and they hope to have 100 million doses ready by the end of the year. It is unclear if these vaccines would even improve the public health, as the government’s own data shows that regular influenza vaccines are only effective 40 percent of the time.

The Trump administration is working along with disgraced globalist organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) in using the coronavirus pandemic for a vaccine push.

“We are scientists, physicians, funders and manufacturers who have come together as part of an international collaboration, coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO), to help speed the availability of a vaccine against COVID-19,” dozens of so-called experts declared in a WHO press release.”

Seychelles made a big mistake in trusting Big Pharma.

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