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Since When Are Nurses the Enemy?

When the Wuhan virus first began to spread, physicians and nurses were praised universally for continuing to treat patients, even when some of the healthcare workers were dying from the novel illness. Recall how in the early days of the pandemic, Europeans on lockdown would go out on their balconies to applaud frontline workers, shout encouragement and praise, and sometimes sing songs on their behalf.

It was truly inspiring. Humanity at its best.

Now, two years into this “temporary emergency,” many of these same physicians and nurses are being persecuted by the authorities and demonized by traditional and social media.

Like the legendary hydra, there is a resurgent totalitarian movement in both North America and Europe that has attached itself to “the temporary emergency.” The COVID pandemic now comprises one of the heads of this hydra; it has been politicized by the Left, which has always had a totalitarian aspect to it. Like every totalitarian phenomenon in history, the pandemic panic shares certain characteristics with its historical predecessors: censorshippersecution of dissenters, insistence on unquestioned obedience and conformity, the NPC mentality of fanatics snitching on nonconformists, and, of course, dogma…

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