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Smartphones, Dumb Kids

Wreaking havoc.

A survey by Common Sense Census reveals that as of 2021, 43% of 8-to-12-year-olds own a smartphone, as do 88% of teens 13 to 18. The analysis also informs us that:

  • the average teen spends a mind-boggling 8 hours and 39 minutes each day using electronic media.
  • half of teenagers feel addicted to their phones.
  • 78% check them hourly or more.
  • Of those who have cellphones, 97% of teens report using them during the school day, mostly for nonacademic purposes.

This is anything but a new problem, however. The nation’s teachers have been competing with smartphones for years. A 2010 Pew Research Center study found that 90% of U.S. schools had some sort of smartphone ban. Of the teens surveyed,

  • 62% said they could have their phones in school but not in class.
  • 24% were not allowed to have phones on school grounds.
  • Of those who attended a school with a total ban, 65% brought their phones to school anyway.
  • While in class, 64% of teens said they had texted, and 25% had made or received a call.

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