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Some Dems Hope This Happens to Biden Again. It Could Also Wreck Their Election Chances.

Matt Vespa
By Matt Vespa 

Congressional Democrats returned to Washington this week with a terrible case of political heartburn over what to do with Joe Biden. It’s no secret that many Democrats, including some bigwigs in the party, want Joe to bow out. Jill Biden won’t permit that, so the party is purgatory. Democratic governors back Biden for now, though for purely selfish and political reasons—they want to stop any talk of Kamala 2028, and her replacing Biden could make that a reality. Megadonors and Hill Democrats overall feel differently.

 Swing state House Democrats held a dirge of their own before the official meeting yesterday, where some voices who wanted Biden to drop out, like Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), have come back into the fold, likely at gunpoint. Overall, the feeling for some was reportedly like a funeral. Some even broke down in tears as the Democrats’ high election hopes got obliterated during Biden’s atrocious debate with Donald Trump on June 27. Over at the Senate, their lunch saw Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) again back Joe. However, some voices said that Biden can’t win, like Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO), whose remarks got leaked, leading to his lengthy interview on CNN where he said, among other things, that his party is poised to lose the whole show—White House, House, and Senate—if Biden remains on the ticket.


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