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Soros-backed “bioethicist” says people who refuse coronavirus vaccines should lose their jobs or be imprisoned

One Comment

  1. JOHN W JOHN W August 19, 2020

    They better be careful where they try to put that needle! We as American Citizen’s will NOT submit, condone, or enter into any Vaccine Shot Program that we do NOT want to be involved with! I don’t care who these control Freak’s are who want to herd the Citizen’s like a bunch of Sheep! And don’t tell me that it is for my own good and welfare! That Dog won’t Hunt anymore! Wake up America! Do NOT buy into this Crap. fight it with everything you got, starting with November 4th! Talk to everyone you know and urge them to urge other’s to get out and vote, or get an Absentee Ballot Now! Do Not neglect, or put off just how important this Election is to your Future, and HEALTH!

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