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South Africa Just Made Its Case at The Hague. What’s Next?

A preliminary decision on genocide charges against Israel could come as early as next week.

By Ryan Grim

SOUTH AFRICA’S GENOCIDE charges against Israel were formally brought to The Hague today, with the post-apartheid nation facing off against Israel for two days of emergency hearings. South Africa’s immediate aim is to win a ruling later this month — perhaps as early as next week — ordering Israel to cease and desist its assault of Gaza.

Today’s hearing at The HagueOpens in a new tab was South Africa’s opportunity to lay out its case; tomorrow Israel will respond. The case they made (watch it hereOpens in a new tab), which played live on TVs set up outside the building for crowds to watch, was straightforward: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has spoken in biblical termsOpens in a new tab about wiping out the Palestinians and followed up by urging them to flee to safe zones, and then flattening those safe zones with 2,000 bombs. South Africa also played clips of Israeli soldiers echoing Netanyahu’s genocidal rhetoric, vowing to wipe out “the seed of Amalek.” “What more evidence could be required?” one South African lawyer asked. My colleague Jeremy Scahill has more of the blow-by-blowOpens in a new tab.

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