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SOUTH AFRICA – Proof that South Africa Has Been Subjected to Geoengineering via the “Rainfall Enhancement Program”

 Proof that South Africa Has Been Subjected to Geoengineering via the "Rainfall Enhancement Program"

Proof that South Africa Has Been Subjected to Geoengineering via the “Rainfall Enhancement Program”
It’s amazing how much information can surface when you know what to look for.  Chemtrails and geoengineering have been the wrong terminology in this country.  Here it is called “Rainfall Enhancement” and “National Precipitation Research”.  A wolf in sheep’s clothing – it is geoengineering, nothing more whether they realized it or not; and has been practiced here without the knowledge of the public since 1975 that continues to this day.  This is on the first page of this document which outlines this long program lead by our very own South African Weather Service (SAWS)!  
Not only that, but they won an award and bragging openly about cloud seeding.  Here’s some info on the Bethlehem Precipitation Research Project too.  The SAWS research aircraft have been used in cloud seeding programs globally.
Do not be fooled by fancy words – this is weather modification on every level with a “don’t worry, we’ll bring you rain” sales pitch.  The point is that they have successfully been manipulating the weather for years without our knowledge and can conversely bring drought, hurricane or flood. Can you imagine the power of being able to predict and control the weather?   Read of the 15 year environmental review – it outlines the global agenda for SA in plain English, read carefully between the lines.  If you are familiar with Agenda 21, it is a chilling read. 
Funny that with a Rainfall Enhancement Program in place, the number of heavy rain reports has been dropping over the years and we are in the grip of a crippling drought. The rainfall 2 years ago is listed as below normal across just about the entire country. If the purpose of the program was to bring rain, why are we getting droughts?  We’ll have to follow the money on this one… SAWS even reference weather modification on their Wikipedia pageREAD FULL ARTICLE HERE” – Sustain Me

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