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South Korea resumes broadcasting anti-North Korea propaganda at border in response to trash balloons



SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea resumed broadcasting anti-North Korean propaganda through loudspeakers in border areas Sunday in retaliation for the more than 1,000 trash- and manure-filled balloons the North had sent over the last couple of weeks.

Hours later, the powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un warned that the South created a “prelude to a very dangerous situation.” She said South Korea would witness an unspecified “new response” from the North if it continued with the broadcasts and fails to stop civilian activists from flying anti-North Korean propaganda leaflets across the border.

“I sternly warn Seoul to immediately cease its dangerous activities that would further provoke a crisis of confrontation,” Kim Yo Jong said in a statement published by North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency.

The resumed propaganda broadcasts could trigger retaliatory military steps as tensions between the rivals rise while negotiations over the North’s nuclear ambitions remain stalemated.

South Korea’s military also said it detected North Korea launching what appeared to be more trash-carrying balloons Sunday night. The military did not immediately confirm if any landed in the South…


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