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Spiritual Warfare in Marriage

By Steve and Cindy Wright

We’re going to change things up a bit in this Marriage Insight. We’re going to share something extremely important—Spiritual Warfare in Marriage. This is the first time we’ve addressed this particular topic in more than 20 years. It has to do with the issue of spiritual warfare within marriage.

We’re not looking for the devil under every rock. However, we do want you to be aware of a very real threat to your marital unity. The enemy of our faith wants to destroy you and your marriage!

The Spiritual Warfare Fight in Marriage

Jesus warned us in John 10:10: “The thief [the devil] comes to steal, kill and destroy…” And one area of living that the enemy works hard on to destroy is the marriage relationship. Dr. Carol Peters Tanksley, sums up pretty concisely how the enemy “attacks” our marriages. It comes from her article in Charisma Magazine:

“A million things could be affecting your marriage negatively: your spouse’s mistakes, your own mistakes, differing personalities and expectations, lack of communication, busyness, financial or parenting hardships, sickness, extended family problems, and many more.

“But none of these are the real enemy of your marriage. And the enemy of your marriage is certainly not your spouse, regardless of how misguided or lazy or inconsiderate they may be…READ FULL ARTICLE HERE… – Marriage Missions International

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