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Stacey Plaskett Makes Quite the Freudian Slip About What Should Happen to Trump

By Nick Arama


Congressional Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-USVI) got a lot of attention — and not in a good way — during her questioning of journalist Matt Taibbi over the Twitter Files in March. Plaskett is the Ranking Member of the Weaponization Subcommittee. The Subcommittee was looking into the allegations made in the Twitter files about the suppression of speech on Twitter and the role the government allegedly played in that. That’s not something that the Democrats want to be examined, so they were on the warpath in response. Plaskett attacked Taibbi and the other Twitter Files reporters —  calling them “so-called journalists” —  and then she tried to get Taibbi to give up his sources. Plaskett then subsequently sent him a letter in a despicable move, accusing him of perjury in his testimony before the Subcommittee and mentioning that there was a jail term attached to that.


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