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Stanford University Email Tells Students Who Prompted the Atlanta Shootings, and It Isn’t the Shooter

Stanford University

By Alex Parker

As you know, a horrific mass shooting occurred last month in Atlanta.

The Associated Press characterized the crime as follows:

A white gunman was charged Wednesday with killing eight people at three Atlanta-area massage parlors in an attack that sent terror through the Asian American community, which has increasingly been targeted during the coronavirus pandemic.

A 21-year-old, as it turned out, had committed “the worst mass killing in the U.S. in almost two years.”

He told police the murders weren’t race-related.

The man claimed he suffered from a sex addiction and viewed the establishments as sources of temptation.

Nonetheless, administrators at Stanford University see the evil through a different prism.

In addition — as relayed by Campus Reform — officials at the school believe they’ve pegged the actual cause.

Cindy Ng — Associate Dean of Students and director for the Asian American Activities Center — allegedly emailed students on the matter.

CR claims it obtained a copy.

Several other deans reportedly signed the message, as did 14 professors across campus.

The letter asserts systemic racism is rampant; white supremacy is ingrained into America’s structures.

And folks should be furious:

We have a right to be angry, we have a right to demand justice. We know that anti-Asian racism and violence must be addressed in the context of dismantling structural and institutionalized systems created to maintain white supremacy. We are committed to this work.

The missive ensures students that staffers are “there for” them as it acknowledges university attendees may worry “about [their] own safety and that of [their] family and loved ones.”

As for the attack, who’s to blame?

The email points students to the Asian vs. Caucasian profile of the slayings:

A young white male suspect is in custody and while differing accounts about motivation are emerging, the shootings clearly targeted Asian massage parlors. This violence occurred in the wake of the recent attacks on other vulnerable members of our community, our elders.

Who or what’s behind it all?

Stanford’s got the problem pegged:

While the investigation in Atlanta continues, it is indisputable that racist violence against Asian Americans has a long history dating back to the first Asian immigrants.


The recent exponential increase in violent attacks has been fueled by a former president who blamed the COVID pandemic on the Chinese.

There you have it.

Of course, the school isn’t the first to finger America’s erstwhile Commander-in-Chief as a catalyst.

On March 17th, RedState’s Jeff Charles put it this way:

They really wanted it to be Trump’s fault, didn’t they? After the news broke regarding a mass shooting at three different spas in Atlanta, far leftists pounced on the story like Eric Swalwell on a Chinese spy. Several high-profile leftists on Twitter hoped speculated that as more information came out, it would be discovered that the shooter was a rabid Trump supporter inspired by the Orange Man to commit murder.

So-called progressives and media activists took to Twitter to blame Trump and conservatives for the homicides, citing the tendency to refer to COVID-19 as the “Chinese flu.” As usual, these individuals decided to weaponize the tragedy before bothering to wait until the facts emerged.

As for Stanford, it’s no stranger to an attempt at righting racial wrongs.

The college has opened a “Youth Justice Lab” policy research center, described on its official website thusly :

In the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests and calls for police reform, the United States is in the midst of a national reckoning that is forcing us to confront systemic racism and the institutions that perpetuate anti-Black racism, white supremacy, and discrimination against Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

The school blames America’s racist problem on
well, school:

Perhaps no institution has reproduced racial hierarchy in the U.S. more than our public education system.

A particular menace: meritocracy.

From state-sponsored racial segregation of schools to the more subtle, but no less insidious racially segregated academic placements (e.g., special education, advanced placement) to exclusionary school discipline policies to ostensibly “meritocratic” testing and grading policies and beyond, public schools have created and perpetuated racial hierarchy, despite the promise that schools should help all children achieve the American Dream.

Still, for the racism manifesting itself in murder — the school appears to insist — Donald J. Trump is squarely to blame.

With each passing day, it seems, race becomes a bigger factor in all that occurs.

Will we ever see an incident where the scourge isn’t cited?

Sometimes it feels like the answer may be No.

Either way, here’s to hoping racism doesn’t ruin us all — and that Trump doesn’t destroy the world more than we’re already told he has.


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One Comment

  1. Swordslinger Swordslinger April 19, 2021

    The damned lying media is killing this country!

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