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Stopping America’s Security State Before It’s Too Late

by Wallace Garneau

Welcome to the Security State of America, where the Office of the Director of National Intelligence acts as the gatekeeper between the President’s Administration, and all of the information America’s security agencies collect on the American people, which is essentially everything you ever say online in an email, over the phone, or through any other electronic means, along with everywhere you ever go (based on your car’s GPS), everyone you come into contact with (via phone contact tracing), everything you buy (including where), and everything you watch online or on TV.

Most Americans have absolutely no idea how much information is collected on them, and are even less aware of how this information is used. Currently, it is used to compile lists of people with extreme ideologies, such as people who are apt to vote for the wrong candidates, such that these people can be monitored by such groups as the FBI. Joe Biden is doubling the size of the IRS – dollars to donuts. Republicans start getting audited more frequently (and with the NSA monitoring everyone’s bank accounts – you better not have any undeclared income).

China has a much weaker internal spying operation, and yet China is able to compile what amounts to a citizenship credit score, within which those who think the wrong way, or question the wrong things, can be denied the ability to travel, or to buy things…

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