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Supreme Court Extends Freeze on Texas Illegal Immigration Law

The Supreme Court has extended its temporary freeze of a Texas law that would give local law enforcement the power to arrest and deport illegal immigrants.

By Tom Ozimek

The U.S. Supreme Court issued an order on March 12 that extends for at least another week its temporary pause on enforcement of Texas’ immigration law, which would have allowed state police to arrest people suspected of crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

Justice Samuel Alito, who oversees the federal circuit handling the case, issued an administrative stay on Tuesday, postponing the implementation of Texas Senate Bill 4 until March 18.
The move follows a similar March 4 decision that imposed a temporary freeze on SB4, which was signed into law by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in December 2023 and was set to go into effect on March 5.

Justice Alito’s March 4 order postponed implementation of SB4 until March 13, a move that gave the Supreme Court more time to review the case but, like the March 12 order extending the stay for another week, doesn’t give any indication of the court’s ultimate stance on the matter.

Texas lawmakers passed SB4 in a bid to give state and local law enforcement more power to stem the flow of illegal immigrants into the Lone Star state. The bill makes it a criminal offense for anyone who isn’t a U.S. citizen or national to enter the United States anywhere besides a lawful point of entry. It also provides a mechanism for the deportation of offenders while providing civil immunity to law enforcement and other officials who enforce its provisions.

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