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Supreme Court pushes pause on expiration of Title 42 after emergency appeal from states

By Sara Carter Staff


The Supreme Court of the United States has paused the expiration of Title 42 which was to take place on Wednesday, December 21st. Not a moment too soon, SCOTUS issued a filing in which Chief Justice Roberts stayed the lower court order.

The order came after Arizona filed an emergency appeal on Monday asking the Supreme Court to halt its expiration. Justice Roberts gave the Department of Justice until Tuesday evening at 5:00pm to file a response to the states petitioning to maintain Title 42.

The states petitioning were Arizona, Louisiana, Missouri, Alabama, Alaska, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Arizona attorney general Mark Brnovich wrote the request on behalf of the states..



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