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SURPRISE! ICIG Michael Atkinson — Who Turned in the Partisan CIA ‘Whistleblower’ Complaint — Was Top Mueller Hoax Operative

Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson turned in the partisan CIA operative’s ‘whistleblower’ complaint to start the latest impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.

Of course, the liberal mainstream media has ignored this crucial player in their latest impeachment quest.
They don’t want you to delve to deep into Michael Atkinson’s background.

That is because Michael Atkinson played a major role in the Trump-Russia Mueller hoax.

Julie Kelly at American Greatness exposed Atkinson’s controversial role in the just completed Trump-Russia hoax.

One critical period in Atkinson’s resume, however, has been overlooked—probably intentionally—by his boosters in the media: His work as a top deputy in the Justice Department in 2016 and 2017 during the very same time that the DOJ was investigating Trump campaign aides and, after the election, incoming administration officials. Atkinson worked directly for two figures involved in both the counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign and the set-up of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

In July 2016, the exact month that former FBI Director James Comey officially opened a case against the Trump campaign, Atkinson was named senior counsel to John Carlin, the head of the National Security Division. Carlin was Robert Mueller’s chief of staff when he ran the FBI and was appointed NSD chief by President Obama in 2013.


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