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Synthetic COVID & Chimeric Strains: Why US Should Open All of Its Biolabs for Inspection

By Ekaterina Blinova

Recently, Russian Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin called for an independent investigation into the origins of COVID-19 under the auspices of the UN in a Telegram post, adding that the US runs a whopping 336 overseas bio-laboratories allegedly capable of creating such a virus.

“I strongly agree that an independent international investigation into the origins of the global COVID epidemic is absolutely essential,” Ron Unz, a US technology entrepreneur, political activist, writer, and the publisher of The Unz Review, told Sputnik. “By reasonable estimates, over 18 million people have died worldwide, including more than a million Americans, and the people of my own country should be in the forefront in demanding answers about how it happened. Given current international conflicts, arranging such a non-partisan body might be difficult, but it should be attempted. I think that some very prominent Americans, such as Prof. Jeffrey Sachs and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. would be excellent choices as senior figures in such an international investigation.”…

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