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Posts tagged as “Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau”

Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau and Family Go Into Hiding For “security reasons” One Day After Calling Massive #TruckersForFreedom Rally, Tens of Thousands of PEACEFUL Protesters Fed Up With Gov Mandates “Small fringe minority” [VIDEO]

By Patty McMurray The world has been glued to the massive TruckersForFreedom rally, as a reported 50K trucks along with tens of thousands of Canadians have…

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is moving to ban junk food advertising online and before 9pm on TV — a move that will not only limit speech rights but undermine broadcasters who rely on such revenue.

By  Anugrah Kumar Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has asked Pope Francis to visit Canada and apologize after 751 more unmarked graves were found at…

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