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Posts tagged as “False Flags”

False Flags

By Spookd Blog The Terrorist History To put these issues in better perspective, I’ve dipped back into WW2 history to illustrate that the history you…

BREAKING MILITARY INTEL! Breakpoint Alpha: Over 32 Governors and Top Military Officials Have Been Summoned to the Pentagon. . . Not For a Routine Meeting

By Medeea Greere Sources inside the Pentagon have reportedly shed light on an unprecedented gathering of America’s most powerful figures, pushing the nation to a crucial…

 False Flag Fedsurrection in Brazil: Several “Imposters” Identified After They were Caught on Camera Conducting Acts of Terror Dressed as Bolsonaro Supporters

  By Richard Abelson   BUSTED: Video has emerged showing presumed infiltrators among protestors in BrasilĂ­a Monday night, when five busses and six cars were torched,…

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