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Posts tagged as “Senate”

BREAKING UPDATE: HISTORY MADE AS FINAL ARIZONA BALLOT INSPECTIONS COMPLETED – Huge Preliminary Report Expected Monday When True Number of Ballot Totals Announced

by Jordan Conradson The Arizona Audit officially completed both the hand count and paper evaluation inspections on Friday. The audit workers will now vacate Veterans…

Poll: Doug Collins Leads Republicans in Hypothetical Georgia Senate Primary WASHINGTON, DC – JUNE 10: Congressman Doug Collins, R-GA, speaks during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on “Policing Practices and Law Enforcement Accountability”, on Capitol Hill, on June 10, 2020 in Washington, DC. The hearing comes after the death of George Floyd while in the custody of officers of the 

Republicans By Jacob Bliss According to an OnMessage Inc. poll, former Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) leads the Republican Senate primary in a hypothetical match-up. The survey…

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