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Posts tagged as “voter fraud”

Detroit Mom and Daughter Drop Off Absentee Ballots At Ballot Drop Box
Her Vote For Trump Was Never Counted
Her Daughter’s Vote For Biden Is Marked “Received”

During an exclusive interview with us today, Detroit resident Audrey Lee explained how she’s always tried to instill the importance of voting in her children.…

Michigan USPS ‘Insider’ Delivers Testimony Of ‘Shady’ Postmark Scheme To Handstamp ‘Nov. 3’ On Late Ballots 
 Calls On Other Post Office Workers: ‘If They See Anything Shady To Report It’ 
 Michigan Law Forbids Votes Past 8 P.M. Election Day

USPS Insider: “My statement to other postal workers is that if they see anything shady to report it—they can’t have any integrity in this country…

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