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Posts tagged as “white people”

Get Woke, Go Broke: Salvation Army Quietly Removes Guide Telling White Donors To “Sincerely Apologize” For Their Racism After Intense Backlash

By Julian Conradson The Salvation Army is asking for more than donations this year. According to recent reports the Christian charitable organization is asking all white donors to…

Under New Critical Race Curriculum “White People, Historic Figures, All Look Like Buffoons or Aggressors” – Providence (RI) Teacher Ramona Bessinger

by William A. Jacobson On Megyn Kelly Podcast: “Not to speak out is to deny students and children that very crucial comprehensive education that they’re entitled…

Fired for Being White

By Paul Craig Roberts The British Arts Council has appeared as another assassin of white people.  The British Arts Council’s policy of “diversity” has resulted in…

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