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Team Biden Thinks the Biggest Images Voters Will Have Are of January 6

By Brett T.

They are really starting to panic about the polls at the Biden campaign. A recent New York Times/Siena poll had Donald Trump winning the election if it were held today. Trump had a 5-point lead. A Fox News poll released a day later had Trump winning 49/47.

What can Joe Biden do to turn things around? Talk up Bidenomics? Build Back Better? Visit the border for the second time ever?

Biden adviser Mike Donilon seems to think the Biden campaign needs to stick with the argument that if Trump wins re-election, it will be the end of democracy and there will never be another election. By November, Donilon thinks the biggest image in people’s minds will be January 6. That one day when Trump supporters rioted like liberals did all through 2020 with their “fiery but peaceful” protests.

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