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‘Techno Foods’ Won’t Feed the World — But They’ll Make Tech Entrepreneurs Richer

Foods invented in laboratories and produced in factories won’t improve the quantity or quality of our food supply, so who benefits? The business entrepreneurs who see food as a commodity to be patented and profited from.

Over millennia we have evolved with our food supply, relying on the collective wisdom of farmers to grow foods that sustain human life.

Increasingly, however, food is being produced by business entrepreneurs who see food as a commodity to be patented and profited from. Their techno foods are invented in laboratories, produced in factories and promoted with the claim they can feed the world while saving it from climate change.

It started about two decades ago when a giant U.S. chemical company (Monsanto) invented genetically modified (GM) crops and sold them to farmers with one main promise. GM crops could be sprayed with Monsanto‘s glyphosate, killing the weeds, but not the crop — saving farmers time and money by reducing the use of pesticides.

The opposite happened. Glyphosate spraying left more, not less, toxic residues in food and animal feed and caused cancer (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma) in American farming communities.

When greenhouse gases from livestock farming were shown to be contributing to climate change, a Silicon Valley company, Impossible Foods, claimed it could reduce the carbon footprint of meat production by making it in laboratories.

They created the Impossible Burger, which was fake meat made from an assortment of highly processed ingredients, including soy leghemoglobin derived from GM yeast and 46 additional yeast proteins — some of which were unidentified and untested for safety.

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