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Texas cops didn’t rush to find gunman because ‘they could have been shot’ and ‘DELIBERATELY locked inside classroom to save other students’: Border Patrol agents were also told to hold off – but eventually started pulling kids through windows


Texas cops said last night that they didn’t immediately rush in to find the shooter on Tuesday’s attack after being shot at because they feared they might be killed, and even suggested that they deliberately locked the gunman in the classroom where he slaughtered 21 people in order to trap him.

Department of Safety Lt. Chris Olivarez made the astonishing comments during an appearance on CNN last night.

He was being challenged by Wolf Blitzer over why the first officers who responded to the shooting retreated after Salvador Ramos shot at them with his AR-15 and then waited an hour for tactical SWAT teams to take him out, leaving him alone in a classroom with the 19 fourth graders and two teachers who he slaughtered.

‘Don’t current best practices, Lieutenant, call for officers to disable a shooter as quickly as possible, regardless of how many officers are actually on site?’ Blitzer asked…

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