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Texas Democratic Official Called on to Resign for Calling Senator Tim Scott an ‘Oreo’


Senator Tim Scott, a mild-mannered fellow with an engaging smile and a winning way about him, is really hearing it from Democrats for saying nice things about white people.

Everyone knows you’re not supposed to say nice things about white people — in public anyway. It’s written in the Black Lives Matter rulebook and the Democratic Party bylaws.

Senator Scott offered a little counterprogramming to the dominant narrative in his response to Joe Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress by daring to point out the obvious by saying “America isn’t a racist country.”

Now, we hear white people saying that all the time. But when a black man from South Carolina leaves the liberal plantation and says it on nationwide TV, white liberals become agitated and uncertain. They don’t quite know how to go about criticizing a black man for not falling into lockstep like other black folk and parroting the party line.

Amusingly, they’re botching it.

Liberal comedian Jimmy Kimmel, who apologized last year for wearing blackface, blew up Twitter by criticizing Republicans for only having one black Senator.

“Every Black Republican Senator got together to let the American people know the Republican Party isn’t racist.”

Except there are only two black Democratic senators, so what’s his point? Indeed, as my colleague at PJM Jim Teacher noted, Kimmell “whitesplained” Scott’s statement to much mirth and amusement on Twitter.

Liberals believe that because of their “solidarity” with black people, they can criticize white people as if their own skin is of a little darker hue. Take Lamar County Democratic Party Chairman Gary O’Connor. The Texas Democratic leader did his best Jesse Jackson impersonation in describing Scott’s statement.

“I had hoped that Scott might show some common sense, but it seems clear he is little more than an Oreo with no real principles,” Lamar County Democratic Party chair Gary O’Connor wrote in a now-deleted Facebook post, referring to Scott’s rebuttal to President Biden’s congressional  address on Wednesday.

Fox News:

Rep. Pat Fallon, R-Texas — whose district includes Lamar County located in Northeast Texas — eviscerated O’Connor for his comment on Friday. In a press release, Fallon called the slur — which refers to a Black person who is perceived as acting White —  “unforgivable.”

“Gary O’Connor’s comment against Senator Tim Scott is abhorrent, insulting, and unforgivable. Both he and the entire Lamar County Democratic Party should be ashamed of this racist behavior,” said Fallon.

Republicans, of course, were overjoyed at the prospect of being able to call out a Democrat for trying to “act black.”

Democrats on the national stage have also been silent after the progressive supporters of their party attacked Scott, one of three Black U.S. senators currently serving and the only Republican.

Republicans have been outspoken in their condemnation of the slur targeting Scott. Twitter banned the term from its trending topics section, but only hours after the phrase had been front and center on the social media website.

Meanwhile, Rep. Jim Clyburn — the last of the old guard civil rights warriors of the 1960s — repeated what Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and every other national Democrat has said after Scott’s statement.

“We should stop arguing about whether or not this is a racist country. It is not,” Clyburn, the number three House Democrat and fellow South Carolinian told CNN. “A racist country would never elect Barack Obama president or Kamala Harris vice president,” he added.

But the Democratic Party’s entire philosophy is based on the notion that the United States is a racist country and must be punished for our past sins. They really have no other argument to make come election time.

Exposing some Democrats as being just as racist as some on the right makes the point that individuals can be and are racist, but condemning an entire nation for “racism” is idiotic and silly.


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