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The 1-Minute Full Body Workout for a Stronger Back and Trimmer Waist

By Dr. Yumi IshiharaMinoru Fukuda and Toru Abo


Editor’s Note: An isometric exercise is a form of exercise that strengthens a muscle without changing its length. This exercise is great for weight loss and can also be performed in a short amount of time. You can take one minute every day to exercise the muscles on the whole body including the chest muscles, back muscles, abdominal muscles, and thigh muscles.

Isometric Exercise

For those who are unwilling to attend sports clubs or gyms, and those who have bought fitness equipment but failed to continue using it, we recommend “isometric exercise training,” a simple yet efficient exercise that can strengthen muscles.

Isometric exercise training was derived from the training theory established by German physiologists in the 1970s. The term “isometric” combines “iso,” which means “equal,” and “metric,” which means “length.” Therefore, isometric exercise is also known as “equal-length muscle contraction exercise.”



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