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The Achilles Heel of Mail-In Ballot Fraud

By Jay Valentine

The difference between the Republican ballot operation and that of the leftists is that the leftists manufacture ballots, whereas Republicans only collect them.

Elections are for big stakes.  Pretty much everything is political, and thus, who controls the Legislature gets the goodies.

If you are a government pro, you live or die according to whether your team is in power.  You do what the pros do — you make sure you control your food source.

The laughable RNC “out-ballot-harvest the left” plan is one any sentient adult knows cannot work.  That of course leaves out Republican state operatives, for whom hope exceeds common sense.

Leftists learned early that running out of ballots to cast on election day is like running out of beer on July 4.  They took that lesson and improvised in ingenious ways.

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