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The Alt-Tech Revolution is Finally Coming to Fruition


America is tired of Silicon Valley. Be it Apple’s anti-competitive behavior, Amazon’s destruction of small and independent businesses, and the relentless censorship from the likes of Google, Facebook, and Twitter, millions of Americans are now looking for any kind of alternative to our Big Tech overlords.

For years, conservatives and libertarians have been working on projects aimed at providing these alternatives, ranging from social media networks all the way through to blockchain technologies aimed at replacing fiat currency. Here we will take a look at some of the most prominent of these developments.

Social media platforms

There are an array of social media platforms built out as free-speech alternatives to Facebook and Twitter. The first of these was is Gab, a platform with a high level of functionality yet a reputation for hosting more extremist content. Nevertheless, it boasts over four million users, while its creators have developed other products such as Dissenter, a tool that allows users to comment on any web page using a third-party forum…


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