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The Babylonian Talmud

By Cohen G. Reckart, Pastor



The Babylonian Talmud is considered a very holy book by most Christians.  And yet most have never seen one or read one.  How then did they come to this opinion except by careful deception.  This alleged holy book has within it the most satanic plot against humanity in any religion.  It replaces the Old Testament (Torah) in such a subtle manner and in such evil ways as to make it obsolete and of little importance except as a crutch for its existence.

The contents of the Talmud reveals both the antichrist and the great whore.  No Christian could read this book in a true heart of faith in Jesus and not come away from a study of it shocked and alarmed.

Who is antichrist John asked: “except he that denieth that Messiah has come in the flesh, he is antichrist.”

While Oneness and Trinitarians throw this verse backwards and forwards at each other, the truth is that it was aimed by John against the unbelieving Jews and Temple Cult and perhaps the gnostics. Catholic trinitarians were not in existence at this time and the Apostles would not have thrown this antichrist accusation at themselves.  God in flesh was not a problem with the Greeks, they believed in gods in flesh from ancient times. This leaves only the Jews and the gnostics as those who denied Jesus was Messiah come in the flesh.

Yet, in this clear and pointed description of antichrist, is the basic doctrine that Jesus as Messiah must be denied and blasphemed. This one factor of identity comes through loud and clear in the Babylonian Talmud.  And before the accusation of *antichrist* can be hurled at anyone else it must first be lodged against all unbelieving Jews especially those who embrace the Talmud.

Within the Talmud is identified the Great Whore of Mystery Babylon.  That this unbelieving Israel who supports and promotes the Babylonian Talmud are Jews, is confessed in the contents of the book.  That this Israel is the divorced ex-wife of God, is proven by Jeremiah 3:8.  That apostate Israel was called a whore-wife of God is documented in the Scriptures in so many places and in so many ways, that to deny it, makes the one denying it a blatant liar.  Israel is the Whore of Babylon and the Talmud exposes this to any honest researcher of the prophetic verses in Scripture.  The question is not, is Israel the Great Whore and Mystery Babylon, but what role does the Catholic Church and Islam, her two admitted daughters, play in the events of the endtime preceding the second coming of Jesus Messiah?

It is my opinion that the Pope and all of Catholicism, including Protestant Catholicism, will become false prophets for this revived beast system that had a wound by a sword (the head or Temple Mount) and yet did live in 1948.

By false prophets, I mean these groups will become the voices to convince the world that apostate Israel is the legitimate heir of Abraham’s Promises and Covenants and that she can obtain eternal salvation without need of faith or salvation through the blood of the New Covenant.  This heresy is already being prophesied by Catholics and her Protestant daughters.

These false prophets will declare that Israel and the Jews do not need Jesus Messiah to be saved, they can be saved by revived law-keeping, animal blood sacrifices, and a revived priesthood.

These will claim that a new rip-proof vail can be hung back up and that God will join back together again what he divided asunder when Jesus was nailed to the Cross.

These false prophets will come forth preaching observance of the Law either by necessity or free-will, and allege that this Noahide conversion is what Jesus Messiah planned all along as a means for Gentiles to be added to Old Testament Israel and keep the Law (Old Torah).

These will lie to the world and teach that the New Covenant is not the New Covenant Jesus taught that the Communion Cup was to symbolize.  They will go forth teaching that the New Covenant was postponed until the Millennial.  They will enter into houses and lead silly women captive with the doctrine that the Gospel of Grace is not the Gospel of the Kingdom. They will deceive millions that the Kingdom did not come on the Day of Pentecost.  And we would simply say these are all lies.

Peter was given the keys to the Kingdom in Matthew 16:18-19. Any honest person knows these three keys were used on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:38 (Key #1 Repentance;  Key #2 Water Baptism in the name of Jesus Messiah and; Key # 3 Receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit).

Now if the Kingdom was postponed how then could Peter use the keys of the Kingdom on the Day of Pentecost to open the doors to the New Torah (Testament) Church?  If Peter did not use these keys to the Kingdom, and Acts 2:38 does not contain the Keys, then Acts 2:38 is not the plan of salvation in our day and in our time.   When then did Peter use the keys?  Acts 2:38 would only be for entry into the Millennial.  That is simply a false doctrine.

Now, study excerpts of the Babylonian Talmud and see for yourself that it exposes the antichrist and the great whore.


What is the Talmud

“The Talmud, then, is the written form of that which, in the time of Jesus was called the traditions of the elders and to which he makes frequent allusions (History of the Talmud, Michael Rodkinson, p. 70).”

“The teachings of the Talmud stand above all other laws. They are more important than the laws of Moses (Rabbi Ismael).”

“The decisions of the Talmud are words of the living God. Jehovah himself asks the opinion of the early rabbis when there are difficult affairs in heaven (Rabbi Menachem, Commentary on Fifth Book).”


Phariseeism Is Talmudism

“Phariseeism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became modern Rabbinism. Both throughout these changes in name …the spirit of the ancient Pharisees survives, unaltered (Pharisees, the Sociological Background of Their Faith, Louis Finkelstein, p.21).”

“The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees …The Talmud is the largest and most important single member of that literature …and the study of it is essential for any real understanding of Phariseeism (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia under Pharisees).”

What was the doctrine of the Pharisees that would demand in the days of Christ that Gentiles secretly be called the serpent’s seed? What is contained in the Talmud that would give us some hint of the serpent seed doctrine?


Frightening Quotes From The Talmud

“Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night (Talmud, Midrasch Talpiothe).”

“When the serpent copulated with Eve he infused her with lust. The lust of the Israelites who stood at Mount Sinai came to an end, the lust of idolaters who did not stand at Mount Sinai DID NOT COME TO AN END (Talmud, Yehamoth 103a-103b [see above]).”

The Jews believe that anyone who can not trace an ancestor through Israel to Mount Sinai, is a part of that serpent seed. This serpent seed is identified throughout Talmudic teachings without further identity as “idolaters.” In the Talmud, Christians are called “beasts” and “idolaters.” (Case Of The Nazarene Reopened, Hyman E. Goldin, pp 423, 431-432, 775, & 781). This derogatory racism and bigotry identifies Christians as the serpent’s seed.

R. Eleasar further stated: “What is meant by the Scripture text, ‘This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh?’  This teaches that Adam had intercourse with every beast and animal but found no satisfaction until he cohabited with Eve (Talmud, Yebamoth, 63a).”

Now it is alleged that Adam and Eve were given permission by God to freely “eat” [have connection] with these non-human beasts, but told not to “eat” or have connection with the beast that was the tree of knowledge of good and evil…


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