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The Biden Administration Still Has No China Policy

The Chinese regime knows exactly where it stands on the United States, but the Biden administration has yet to declare where it stands on China.

Nearly 18 months into the Biden administration, the White House still has no China policy. Furthermore, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s China policy speech was postponed due to COVID-19. However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has a U.S. policy and is moving on it.

On May 5, Blinken was scheduled to deliver a speech outlining the U.S. policy on China. The event was significant because, after nearly a year and a half in office, the Biden administration still lacks a codified China policy.

In February, the administration released its Indo-Pacific strategy with prominent mentions regarding China. It primarily focused on defending the Indo-Pacific region from the CCP. Conversely, Biden’s China-specific policy has been piecemeal, and the war in Ukraine has distracted the White House from focusing on China…

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