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The Biden gas pump is killing the family budget

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

What a difference a year makes, especially when it comes to gasoline prices.  Who remembers the good old days?  Let’s drive on Memory Lane with The Washington Examiner:

When Biden took office, the United States had become a net exporter of petroleum products, a remarkable public policy achievement for a nation that had been dependent on foreign oil production for so long. But Biden quickly gave away that economic and strategic advantage.

For Biden and his environmental extremist allies, consumers must be made to suffer for their fossil fuel consumption sins.

And paying they are.  Which people do you think are suffering more when they fill the tank?  My guess is that the middle- or lower-middle-class family is the one paying for this so-called “environmental sin.”  Wonder how that middle class family feels about paying higher prices to make some activists feel as if they are saving the world from fossil fuels?  They can’t be happy.


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