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The Biggest Crime Committed During Vaccine Heist

Editor’s Note: A lot has been written over the last few months about the efficacy of Ivermectin. Unfortunately, there is still a vast majority of Americans who are unaware that it and other drugs like Hydroxychloroquine are demonstrably effective in both treatment and prevention of Covid-19. This, perhaps more than anything else, is the “smoking gun” that tells us government, Big Pharma, and mainstream media are working on an agenda rather than working to fight Covid-19 in the best manner possible.

We often post the writings of Dr. Joseph Mercola for a couple of reasons. The first is obvious — he’s as sharp as they come regarding alternative treatments and natural healthcare. The second is also obvious, at least to those who have been following him closely. Because he is not beholden to any corporate medical organizations, government grants, or Big Tech traffic-drivers to his websites, he can speak freely about taboo topics like vaccines and Ivermectin.

That second reason is an important distinction to understand. Everyone can appreciate that doctors and scientists are often fearful of losing their jobs or funding if they speak against the mainstream narrative, but a surprisingly few number of Americans comprehend the decision-making process when it comes to content choice. Those in media who rely on Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or mainstream media appearances to support them professionally have either avoided the taboo topics altogether or have spoken about them and lost out as a result. This is why we’re blessed that NOQ Report does not rely on these traffic sources. They blacklisted us long ago…


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