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The Birth Of The Archons

By Shift Frequency


Robert Stanley – A growing number of people on planet earth have become aware that there is a mental parasite that has been manipulating mankind to do harm and embrace hatred and fear as a way of life. This is because our negative thoughts and deeds allows these mental parasites to feed off the negative energy emitted by our DNA when we are in distress.

You see, although I initially read the information below in 1985, I didn’t actually begin to understand it until 2011. That’s when I wrote my first article about the Archons and their parasitic affect on mankind. However, after being interviewed on Coast to Coast AM in November of 2014, I was up late that night and could not sleep so, I decided to re-read some key insights regarding the origin of the Archons as written by Norman Paulsen. (see pages below)

This incredibly important information was given to him by benevolent human ETs in the 1950s. Coincidentally, Norman knew my father when they were spiritual students of Paramahansa Yogananda at Self Realization Fellowship.


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