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The Christian Convictions of the Ukraine Resistance

Valentina Kiselev

An interesting detail emerged this summer, which gives an insight into the mentality of the leadership of the Donbass resistance.

Their then commander-in-chief, Igor Strelkov, issued an order forbidding profanity, making it a serious disciplinary violation, subject to punishment.

It further instructed officers to educate troops about the reasons why profanity should not be tolerated, explaining that it is a serious sin, and weakens the spirit of the army, thus making it more vulnerable to the enemy.  (Complete text of the order below)

This is more evidence that Strelkov takes his Christian faith very seriously.   In April he formed the “Russian Orthodox Army”, one of the major military units under his command.   Here are some pictures of him with his troops, featuring banners with the image of Christ the Savior, performing an oath of loyalty kissing the flag of a battalion in a church…READ FULL ARTICLE HERE… (

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